ClubGonzo’s Calluna Majoris

Mead, 11.7% ABV.

ClubGonzo’s Calluna Majoris, mead batch 32.

Looks a bit like liquid heather honey, doesn’t it?

A single honey mead with plain heather honey, and no crazy additions. That’s a new one!

It pours a clear, pale golden body, nothing extraordinary there either.

The aroma is strong and sweet, with recognisable notes of pure heather honey. I guess it smells exactly what you would expect a mead to smell, if you’ve never tried a mead before. It’s very simple, but clean and tempting.

The flavour isn’t any more adventurous than the aroma, this is as basic and down to earth as a mead can be. It’s heavy sweet, but not cloying.

Conclusion: a mead for traditional Norwegian heather honey lovers.

Aroma:      6/10
Appearance: 4/5
Taste:      6/10
Palate:     4/5
Overall:   13/20
Ratebeer score: 3.3/5.0

One comment on “ClubGonzo’s Calluna Majoris

  1. I sometimes make single honey meads if I feel that particular honey stands out in terms of flavor. Heather honey certainly does, and it is also a staple among Norwegian spreads and condiments, with its easily recognizable dense floral (almost smoky) and spicy honey tones. Such a classic deserves its own mead. By the way Terje: your intense mead ratings the last weeks must have placed you on top of the list of mead bloggers in Norway by now, making you a leading authority in the matter! šŸ˜„ (Yes, it’s a short list I know..but still! Keep it up!) šŸ˜ŽšŸ·

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