JoKr Brewers Leprechaun Lager

Leprechaun Lager by JoKr Brewers, 5.8% ABV, 48 IBU.

JoKr Brewers Leprechaun Lager, batch no. 20.

JoKr Brewers Leprechaun Lager, batch no. 20.

This one pours a hazy, pale golden body with a creamy, white, long-lived head that ends up as a fully lasting layer, and a good amount of foam is left on the glass. However, I’m not quite sure if this is how the beer is supposed to look like, because when I empty the last .5 cm into the sink, as I tend to do to keep the sediments out of my glass, I see a green, algae-like goo coming out! What is that? And was this supposed to give the beer a green tint? And how will this mysterious component influence the aroma and flavour? Or is it just trub with lots of hop leftovers?

This one could have been green.

This one could have been green.

The aroma is certainly a bit special, there are stuff in here that I have no idea what reminds me of. Maybe the green secret ingredient? It’s a quite strong aroma with fruits, mostly lightly fermented apples and pears, pale malts and there are some refreshing and exiting sour notes, there is definitely something funky about this brew!

The taste is light sweet and light sour initially while the finish is moderate bitter with the light sourness lingering on. The flavours aren’t that strong, but they are pleasant. Nordic fruits, resin, malt and again these wild and funky notes that makes it more exciting.

This is an incredibly crisp, refreshing and dry beer, I really wanted to down this one and open another one right away! The body is medium and the carbonation is moderate.

Conclusion: Mysterious, funky and dangerously drinkable.

Aroma:      6/10
Appearance: 4/5
Taste:      6/10
Palate:     4/5
Overall:    12/20
Ratebeer score: 3.2/5.0