ClubGonzo’s Roggenmead

Braggot, 9.9% ABV.


Mead batch 28, Roggenmead.

Mead batch 28, Roggenmead.

I wasn’t that impressed with ClubGonzo’s previous attempt at a braggot , but maybe it’s a better idea to mix mead with a strong rye-based ale than with an IPA?

It pours a clear, amber body with a small, white, fizzy, short-lived head that doesn’t stick to the glass.

The aroma is quite obviously a beer/mead mix, with an emphasis on the mead – I get lots of tempting, sweet honey notes, together with exiting, refreshing, spicy notes from the beer. It’s vinous, almost in a sherry kind of way. Very nice!

The strong flavour is a bit too dominated by boozy alcohol, but the other typical mead and rye ale components are still present. I also get some brown sugar, dark caramel and lightly roasted malt. It’s quite sweet for a beer, not sweet at all for a mead.

The soft carbonation fits this full-bodied creation well.

Conclusion: a nice mix of beer and mead, which I guess is the purpose of a braggot. Still not my favourite style, though…



Aroma:      7/10
Appearance: 3/5
Taste:      7/10
Palate:     3/3
Overall:    13/20
Ratebeer score: 3.3/5.0

ClubGonzo’s MIPA

Braggot, 6.6% ABV.

I don't think this one will sell that much.

I don’t think this one will sell that much.

It doesn't look like it on this picture, but the body is clear.

It doesn’t look like it on this picture, but the body is clear.

It had to happen sooner or later, I guess, ClubGonzo is going commercial! I’ve always thought that he would start a crazy little micro brewery one day, but of course, that would have been to simple and mainstream, instead he’s gone into the mead business. Mjøderiet has already started to brew, and in order to celebrate the occasion I open one of ClubGonzo’s meads. Or rather, a braggot, i.e. a mix of mead and beer. MIPA is 50/50 mix of IPA and mead.

Oh, it’s carbonated! Well, of course it is, it’s 50% beer in here, but I still was surprised for a couple of seconds when I saw the small white head upon the clear, golden body.

The aroma is quite faint, and I must admit that I find it hard to discern the IPA, and the mead part is also not that obvious. I do get some fruity hoppy notes, but I was hoping for something bolder.

The flavour is moderate, and it suffers from the same lack of focus as the aroma. It’s not a real beer, it’s not a real mead, it’s not even a mix – it seems like the two parts are nearly beating each other to death, with the modest IPA as a winner. It’s a bit confusing to be able to taste the hops quite clearly when there’s no accompanying bitterness. Oh, I finally picked up traces of honey in the finish.

Conclusion: a bit dull mix of beer and mead that doesn’t feel like neither. A hopped honey soft drink, perhaps?

Aroma:      5/10
Appearance: 3/5
Taste:      5/10
Palate:     3/3
Overall:    10/20
Ratebeer score: 2.6/5.0