Dr. M nr. 7 – Sommer

Sommer by Dr. M., Belgian Ale, 6.4% ABV, 32 IBU.

Pours a lovely golden, clear body with a huge head, this one is obviously highly carbonated. Good lacing. Long lived head that ends up as a layer that is thin enough to be called a film. 

Dr. M nr. 7 - Sommer. Enjoyed 8 months after bottling.

Dr. M nr. 7 – Sommer. Enjoyed 8 months after bottling.

The aroma is very strong. Even through a 10 cm layer of quite dense, creamy head I get lovely crisp notes of Belgian yeast, light fruits and a light floral touch.

The taste is light sweet with a moderate bitter finish. The flavours follow the aroma, in addition I get some alcohol, maybe a bit too much, but the alcohol is quite clean and it’s fitting for the style, this is almost like a Duvel light.

The beer is quite lively carbonated, the texture is dry and the body is medium. An incredibly crisp and refreshing mouthfeel!

Conclusion: I deeply regret that I didn’t have this in the garden this summer, this must be the perfect summer beer! Crisp, refreshing with a gentle bite from the alcohol and the hops. 

Aroma:      7/10
Appearance: 4/5
Taste:      7/10
Palate:     4/5
Overall:    13/20
Ratebeer score: 3.5/5.0

ClubGonzo’s Mulligan Pale Ale

Mulligan Pale Ale by ClubGonzo, American Pale Ale, 5.8% ABV, 34 IBU.

After a couple of horrible weeks almost without any beer due to a rough cold followed by sinusitis, I’m ready to do some rating again. Or rather, try to do some rating. I’m not sure if I can trust my sense of smell right now, with all this penicillin in my system.

ClubGonzo Mulligan Pale Ale, Batch 22

ClubGonzo Mulligan Pale Ale, Batch 22

Oh no. My nose works. The first thing I notice when I smell this amber/orange-ish beer is… stinging alcohol! The dreaded, unpleasant, solvent-like notes that I for some reason seem to be the only one to pick up in ClubGonzo/JoKr beers. I should add that these notes are not the most obvious contributions to the aroma profile, the quite strong aroma is more dominated by pleasant, sweet and crisp tropical fruits.

So, how does the beer taste? Unfortunately not good at all. The stinging solvent notes are in front, and together with a floral, plant sap bitterness this is actually quite unpleasant. Could there be something wrong with this one? Or maybe my body wasn’t quite ready for a beer today? There are some good flavours as well, especially the caramel notes are nice, also some nice fruits.

The beer is quite light-bodied, the texture is dry and the carbonation is moderate.

Conclusion: so much solvent-like notes that I get goose bumps when I force the liquid down. Luckily the quite decent fruity notes are stronger than the unpleasant notes, especially in the aroma. I could be a bad bottle, it could be a sick rater. 

Aroma:      5/10
Appearance: 4/5
Taste:      5/10
Palate:     2/5
Overall:    8/20
Ratebeer score: 2.4/5.0